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Select Chapter: |
Chapter Name: |
National LARP
Chapter Code: |
Chapter Address: |
2763 NC HIGHWAY 731 W. MOUNT GILEAD, NC 27306 United States
Phone: |
(914) 309-7718
Web Site: |
Email: |
Logistics Email: |
Date Established: |
Saturday Mar 01, 1986
Status: |
A.C.L.: |
Cape Town South Africa (see map)
2763 NC HIGHWAY 731 W.
place holder address JAV
mount gilead, NC 27306
United States
NC NERO LARP Site (see map)
2763 NC HIGHWAY 731 W.
Mount Gilead, NC 27306
United States
Phone: 9143097718
Customer Service |
Babin, Steve |
Database Admin |
Boyd, Jerry |
Head of Rules |
Denny, Nicholas |
Online/Web/DB Admin |
Marshall, Rob |
Online/Web/DB Admin |
Marzilli, Mikayla |
Owner |
Valenti, Joseph |
Feb 16-18 (BrimRose, Evendarr, Avalon, Tyrr) |
Joseph Valenti |
Sat Feb 16 - Mon Feb 18, 2013 |
Registered PCs: 0 Registered NPCs: 0 |
ACL: 2.00 |
Thu Mar 10 - Mon Mar 14, 2016 |
Registered PCs: 23 Registered NPCs: 1 |
ACL: 0.00 |
NERO NATIONAL EVENT AUG 2017 (World of Tyrra) |
Cub World Ohio |
Fri Aug 11 - Sun Aug 13, 2017 |
Registered PCs: 93 Registered NPCs: 22 |
ACL: 40.00 |
NERO NATIONAL EVENT AUG 2018 (World of Tyrra) |
Cub World Ohio |
Fri Aug 10 - Sun Aug 12, 2018 |
Registered PCs: 68 Registered NPCs: 10 |
ACL: 47.00 |
Does this Chapter's Campaign Respect Noble Titles From Other Chapters?
Respecting Noble Titles means the NPC’s are cordial and respectful to visitors from foreign lands with noble titles within those lands.
Is the Campaign Part of The Kingdom of Evendarr?
The Kingdom of Evendarr has some 25+ NERO Chapters that are part of it, and they enjoy the most travel and camaraderie among players because
they are all going into the game as part of the one social group and society that are all ‘kin’. There are many non-Evendarrian nations, and
they produce equally awesome events.
What is the Chapters In-Game Land Name?
Click This sentence to See Where This Chapters In-Game Land is on the Map of Avalon.
What is the Staple Random Monster During the Daylight hours?
The Staple Random Monster is the monster that the average player will see 80% of the time when walking around.
What is the Staple Random Monster During the Night hours?
The Staple Random Monster is the monster that the average player will see 80% of the time when walking around.
Does this Chapter have Monster Caves or Random Monsters in the Woods, or Both?
Monster Caves are an area where a group of players fight the monsters exiting the caverns. Sometimes the players
have to fight ‘down’ through the levels of the caves, and the monsters get more and more powerful with each level
that the group defeats.
Random Monsters in the Woods means, literally, “If I and or my team walk around the woods will we find random
monsters to fight, or not?”
Does this Chapter follow the NERO LARP MISSION STATEMENT?
Does this Chapter follow the NERO LARP Staff and Volunteer Guidelines?
Does this Chapter follow the NERO LARP VISION STATEMENT?
Does this Chapter follow the Chapter Code of Conduct?
Does this Chapter follow the Plot Code of Conduct?
Does this Chapter follow the Chapter Adventure Policy?
The Chapter Adventure Policy is specifically geared to insure that every event attendee goes on one
adventure module before another attendee goes on their 3rd adventure module. We understand there will
be gaps where attendees go on 2 adventure modules before someone goes on 1 adventure module, and this
is ok. But we are specifically wanting to make sure that every player who wants to go on an adventure
gets the chanced, and this takes just a bit of work on the part of the adventure module producer who
just has to INITIAL the appropriate MODULE BOX on the character card, and when producing an adventure
for players, make sure when checking their character levels and resources that you look to make sure
hat there isn’t a player who feels it is within their right to go on more adventures than the other
attendees in an uneven manner, for whatever the reason. (ie.e. character cards should have added -
MOD 1 , MOD 2, MOD 3, MOD 4, MOD 5 MOD 6 with a small box to check to signify ‘used’.
Is this Chapter's In-Game Land Signed Onto The Accords of Avalon?
What is this Chapter's one Special Effect being play tested?
For NERO LARP Rule Play Tests 2014, starting October 01, 2013, NERO National Office will allow each chapter that
has produced at least 4 2-event-day long events in the previous calendar year, to Play Test 1 Special Effect and
allow all of those special effects to be used by all chapters. Each chapter must submit their proposed special
effect for review and discussion with the nero national rules committee, which retains approval power. We hope
that each chapter will dig deep into their ‘lco’ cauldron and submit their lco effects. LCO is not supposed to
be a non-standard effect or a prohibited effect, it is supposed to be ‘to keep a phys-rep and or associated plot
line at your chapter’ or ‘add a cool flavor to creating this standard magic item needed for x function’ or
something similar. However, many chapters use LCO to use/distribute non-standard or prohibited effects, so we
figured we would collect what everyone is using and try our best to incorporate them into the game, first as
playtests and then if widely liked as core rules. All effects must be approved with national and on the national
play test rules list on the national site. Chapters must identify/list all playtests that they are using on their
website using a link to the national website play test explanations. NERO Members are expected to know the play
tested effects and provide feedback while using them. It will take us a few months to get the rules team up and
running, the proposed playtests collected from the chapters, and approved for use, and added to the website.
Is this Chapter Play Testing ‘Extra Blankets For Event-Long NPC’s Who Play Monster Roles’?
Starting July 01, 2013, NERO LARP Members who are not on staff and choose to NPC an entire 2-day or longer event,
in combat-based roles, will be given an extra 2 blankets of experience per game day of the event they NPC’d, provided
the member indeed NPC’d the entire event as monsters. This offer is not for staff members who role play with event
attendees – it’s meant to foster more event-long NPC’s that will entertain the players as monsters, which we all
admit are needed at every chapter.
Does this Chapter Use The NERO LARP Estate System?
The NERO Estate system supports the furthering of a characters story and the acquisition of resources and treasure other
than coin, gems, jewelry, weaponry and magic items. The Estate system ties everything together, and allows you to buy
property and structures, open stores, hire mercenaries, etc. etc. – whatever you can think of we can add to the system.
Does this Chapter Require at least 80% of the Coin received in-game to be turned into the OOG Bank?
NERO Coin is the core treasure used in the nero game, and without it our game would be a much blander version. NERO branded
coin costs a lot of money, so we ask the players to trade in their coin for platinum pieces, and bars of fine metals that
we will be adding to the game shortly. Hording coin is prohibited and considered poor sportsmanship – we’ll give you the
coin you need to do what you want, please trade-out your low denominations to platinum pieces and place your treasure into
the bank. The bank is connected to the estate system so you can now use your treasure acquired at the game to buy all sorts
of in-game items.
Does this Chapter Use The NERO LARP Monster Database?
The NERO LARP Monster Database is a collection of 100’s of mythological creatures from goblins to Orcs or trolls to undead to
vampires to were creatures to golems and constructs to elementals to gargoyles to Fae creatures. The monster database allows
chapters to use the standard monster and add PC skills to the monster if it is more powerful than the standard monster –
allowing players to know, generally, the power level of the monster if they’ve encountered it before.
Does this Chapter Use The National Transformation Handbook?
Coming February 01, 2013: Transforms when activated must be wearing a Nice Costume and a Mask or Prosthetic. No Make–up based
dressing is permitted for players pc’ing with a transform. A Make-up only enhancement for PC transforms just does not add to
the atmosphere of the game like a good costume and a nice mask or prosthetic does. Transforms grant the character 1, 2, or 3
sets of skills and abilities that are related to the creature they have transformed into dependant upon the level of the
transform magic. Transforms are Activated By the player 1 time per day for 2 hours and must have a nice costume and either a
mask or prosthetic on that distinguishes their character as the creature they are transformed into. After the Transform wears
off in 2 hours, the character must rest for 3 hours before being able to turn the transform back on.
Does this Chapter Participate in these NERO National Monster Mask Stories?